2011年12月24日 星期六
2011年12月23日 星期五
【Lunar Hypergamer 測試報告 】
【Lunar Hypergamer 測試報告 】
測試鞋款: Lunar Hypergamer (469756-004)
售價: HK$959
Size: US10.5
測試場地: 6小時街場: (投籃, 走籃. 體能練習)
- 天水圍中央公園
- 九龍灣遊樂場
打球位置: SG/SF
應用技術: Hyperfuse, 全掌Lunarlon, Nylon shank plate
優點: 襪套設計更貼腳,Lunarlon帶來舒適緩震
評分: 滿分 = 100分
外觀: 80分
延續了Hyperfuse 2010的影子,’薄’和’輕’都是Hpyergamer的賣點。灰色部份的Lunarlon看上去便知是一塊舒適的牀褥,如果可以跟鞋身用上同一配色,視覺上便能減卻那份擁腫。全黑配色一向給人一種殺氣重,就是要嚇怕對手的感覺。近幾年Black Out配色也是經常出現。而今次全黑Hypergamer正好是為了冬天打球而設,屬holiday系列,提醒我們不要因天氣轉冷而偷偷躲懶。
透氣度: 80分
舒適度: 90分
避震功能: 95分
足踝支撐: 80分
耐用度與抓地力: 90分
測試鞋款: Lunar Hypergamer (469756-004)
售價: HK$959
Size: US10.5
測試場地: 6小時街場: (投籃, 走籃. 體能練習)
- 天水圍中央公園
- 九龍灣遊樂場
打球位置: SG/SF
應用技術: Hyperfuse, 全掌Lunarlon, Nylon shank plate
優點: 襪套設計更貼腳,Lunarlon帶來舒適緩震
評分: 滿分 = 100分
外觀: 80分
延續了Hyperfuse 2010的影子,’薄’和’輕’都是Hpyergamer的賣點。灰色部份的Lunarlon看上去便知是一塊舒適的牀褥,如果可以跟鞋身用上同一配色,視覺上便能減卻那份擁腫。全黑配色一向給人一種殺氣重,就是要嚇怕對手的感覺。近幾年Black Out配色也是經常出現。而今次全黑Hypergamer正好是為了冬天打球而設,屬holiday系列,提醒我們不要因天氣轉冷而偷偷躲懶。
透氣度: 80分
舒適度: 90分
避震功能: 95分
足踝支撐: 80分
耐用度與抓地力: 90分
2011年12月1日 星期四
2011年11月26日 星期六
via yahoo
via yahoo
Tentative NBA deal reached
NEW YORK -- NBA owners and players reached a tentative agreement early Saturday to end the 149-day lockout.
After a secret meeting earlier this week, the sides met for more than 15 hours Friday, working to try to save the season. This handshake deal, however, still must be ratified by both owners and players.
"We've reached a tentative understanding that is subject to a variety of approvals and very complex machinations, but we're optimistic that will all come to pass and that the NBA season will begin Dec. 25," NBA commissioner David Stern said.
The league plans a 66-game season and aims to open camps Dec. 9.
"We thought it was in both of our best interests to try to reach a resolution and save the game," union executive director Billy Hunter said.
The Christmas Day deadline created a sense of urgency because that schedule is traditionally a showcase for the league. This season's three-game slate was to include Miami at Dallas in an NBA finals rematch, plus MVP Derrick Roseleading Chicago into Los Angeles to face Kobe Bryant and the Lakers.
A majority on each side is needed to approve the agreement. The NBA needs votes from 15 of 29 owners. (The league owns the New Orleans Hornets.) Stern said the labor committee plans to discuss the agreement later Saturday and expects them to endorse it and recommend to the full board.
The union needs a simple majority of its 430-plus members. That process is a bit more complicated after the players dissolved the union Nov. 14. Now, they must drop their antitrust lawsuit in Minnesota and reform the union before voting on the deal.
Because the union disbanded, a new collective bargaining agreement can only be completed once the union has reformed. Drug testing and other issues still must be negotiated between the league and the players.
When last talks broke down, the sides were still divided over the division of revenues and certain changes sought by owners to curb spending by big-market teams that players felt would limit or restrict their options in free agency.
On Nov. 14, players rejected the owners' proposal, which included opening a 72-game schedule on Dec. 15, announcing instead they were disbanding the union, giving them a chance to win several billion dollars in triple damages in an antitrust lawsuit.
Two days later, players filed two separate antitrust lawsuits against the league in two different states. On Monday, a group of named plaintiffs including Carmelo Anthony, Steve Nash and Kevin Durant filed an amended federal lawsuit against the league in Minnesota, hoping the courts there will be as favorable to them as they have been to NFL players in the past.
Now, players will dismiss that lawsuit and get back to the business of basketball.
The previous CBA expired at the end of the day June 30. Despite a series of meetings in June, there was never much hope of a deal before that deadline, with owners wanting significant changes after saying they lost $300 million last season and hundreds of millions more in each year of the old agreement, which was ratified in 2005.
Owners wanted to keep more of the league's nearly $4 billion in basketball revenues to themselves after guaranteeing 57 percent to the players under the old deal. And they sought a system where even the smallest-market clubs could compete, believing the current system would always favor the teams who could spend the most.
Initially, the salary cap emerged as the biggest obstacle. Owners first proposed a hard cap, but players fought hard to maintain the current system that allows teams to exceed the cap through the use of various exceptions.
The league was adamant the system needed some adjustment, because the old rules gave too many advantages to teams who could afford to keep adding to their payrolls. So the league's proposals targeted the highest-spending teams, seeking to eliminate the use of the midlevel exception by teams over the luxury tax and prevent them from participating in sign-and-trade deals.
via ESPN
via ESPN
【Zoom BB 1.5測試報告】
【Zoom BB 1.5測試報告】
2小時街場: (投籃, 走籃. 體能練習)
- 天水圍中央公園
2小時室內場: (籃球比賽)
- 大角咀市政大樓
- 順利村體育館
- 保安道室內運動場
打球位置: SG/SF
應用技術: Hyperfuse, Zoom air
優點: 輕量化,襪套設計更貼腳,高度支撐性,舒適緩震
評分: **滿分 = 100分
2小時街場: (投籃, 走籃. 體能練習)
- 天水圍中央公園
2小時室內場: (籃球比賽)
- 大角咀市政大樓
- 順利村體育館
- 保安道室內運動場
打球位置: SG/SF
應用技術: Hyperfuse, Zoom air
優點: 輕量化,襪套設計更貼腳,高度支撐性,舒適緩震
評分: **滿分 = 100分
外觀: 98分
那些年,我們一起穿的球鞋 - Zoom BB系列。2007年由Tony Parker, Steve Nash及Jason Kidd等球星帶領著一股疾風在球場上飛馳。其後延續的Zoom BB 2及Zoom BB 3也複製了原祖的基因,但受歡迎程度依然不及Zoom BB般瘋狂。
來到2011年,Zoom BB 1.5誕生了,外型跟Zoom BB像孖生兄弟般相似,簡潔之餘亦保持一貫上乘功能,另外白色鞋身加上珍珠白的點綴,令整體看起來也份外流暢,同期亦有黑/紫配色作選擇。
透氣度: 95分
鞋身用上hyperfuse,比以往Zoom BB系列更薄身,透氣度亦相對增加了。整條網狀鞋舌亦為透氣度加了點分數,即使連續打了兩小時的籃球,雙腳一點也不覺悶熱。惟內側分佈的透氣孔比昔日的Zoom BB範圍少了些微。心理上多些氣孔會好一點。
舒適度: 95分
避震功能: 100分
Zoom BB 1.5的Zoom Air分佈相當出色,帶來的好處是回彈性強,特別在與對手爭奪籃板球時,落地後亦能迅速提供回彈力,比對手快一步作出行動。迅速的First Step往往是進攻球員致勝關鍵,當你的腿起動到落地再突然轉向,值得一提是前掌的Zoom Air都能帶點回彈力作支援,也許這就是Zoom Air帶來的好處吧!
足踝支撐: 100分
耐用度與抓地力: 100分
一向都是Zoom BB的fans,印象中當年的Zoom BB用了Advanced fit,為亞洲人腳型而設。這雙改良後的Zoom BB 1.5雖然沒有特別標明,但包覆性及舒適度更勝從前。當年購入四雙Zoom BB系列作戰鞋,想不到事隔5年,能再次感受那份舒適。如果你對低筒籃球鞋仍存有偏見,那麼這雙Zoom BB 1.5定能迎合你口味。謹記,此鞋乃實戰型,只要你是熱血籃球份子,一定會愛上它!
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