2012年5月31日 星期四

【Zoom Kobe VII System Elite 測試報告】

【Zoom Kobe VII System Elite 測試報告】

測試鞋款:        Zoom Kobe VII System Elite (511371-001)        
配色:         Black/Metallic Gold 
Size:                us10.5
打球位置:        SG/SF
應用技術:        全掌Zoom Air,Kevlar infused Flywire,Carbon Fiber碳纖維穩定片,Pro Combat Dynamic Protection物料,Pro combat鞋舌 
優點:        強化耐用度,貼地,全掌Zoom Air帶來之舒適
評分:        滿分 = 100分


球場上危機四伏,黑曼巴無時無刻都充滿殺機,隨時殺個措手不及。進入季後賽階段,戰況尤其激烈,所需的裝備更要加強其攻擊性及防禦性。特別為季後賽而設的Elite版本,便針對這方面而作優化調。其口號為LIGHT LIKE AIR,STRONGER THAN STEEL,帶出整個重點。

外觀: 90分


Kobe VII System Elite鞋身紋路用回上一代的蛇紋,做回自己更能表現黑曼巴的特徵。與此同時,鞋帶及flywire素材上更首次加添了Kevlar,一種防彈纖維,往往應用於高規格要求的用途。其彈性只有1%,鞋身因劇烈運動而變型的情況也相對減低。

透氣度: 85分

Kobe VII本身用了flywire令鞋面更輕更薄,但Elite版本為了加強其強度和對抗性,於flywire上再加了一層Pro Combat Dynamic Protection物料以增加耐用性,透氣度不過不失,雖沒有侷促感覺,只是對比普通版本沒有太出色的改變。

舒適度: 90分

可能整根鞋舌都轉了Pro combat物料的原固,加上穿了厚襪,於首次測試時內籠實在緊得過份,接著下來的5 on 5大約測試了半小時,腳弓便開始酸軟。其後大概穿了四次吧,顯然穿軟了不少,加上換了雙薄襪子,感覺截然不同。於街場進行了兩小時的3on3和5on5實戰,腳掌酸軟的感覺也再沒有出現。整雙Kobe VII System Elite也非常貼腳,拖泥帶水的感覺絕對不適合形容這條黑曼巴。

避震功能: 95分

Elite就是要比平常的優秀,鞋套沿用了Attack Fast的低筒設計以保持靈活性,而避震方面亦下了點工夫,把分別原本置於前後掌的Zoom Air改良為全掌Zoom Air,令其更貼地面作出更快速的反應,因此回彈的範圍也大大增加。

足踝支撐: 85分

由Kobe IV開始,球員對低筒籃球鞋的抗拒慢慢減低了,相信其後每一代Kobe系列都為大家打了支強心針,Kobe VII普通版本的後跟穩定器由TPU材料做成,而Elite版則換上了Carbon Fiber - 碳纖,作為踝部支撐,實際重量可能只輕些毫,但碳纖維比TPU除了較輕,還有較強及較耐用。而鞋底外側依舊設有Outrigger以防止足踝落地時過份向外翻。穿上Elite版實戰時確是比平常放心地跳多了,要是貪心地說,能有Attack Strong的高筒襪套就更完美,始終多一層足踝保護是沒有球員嫌多的。


耐用度與抓地力: 85分

Kobe VII鞋底用了魚骨紋再配合爆炸性的變向紋路,急停或突破變向亦較隨心所欲。要留意的是早前聖誕版本用了XDR耐磨底,而Elite版本則沒有特別註明,並改為透明啫喱底。細看之下,Kobe VII XDR的鞋底紋路較粗,線條較闊,Elite版則較幼細。暫時以街場為主的9次測試後,耐磨情況亦算理想。


總評: A-


Nike Elite Series: Kobe VII System video
可看看Nike Basketball Senior Product Line Manager – Charles Williams簡單介紹今次的Kobe VII System Elite

Kobe VII Elite宣傳照

2012年5月10日 星期四

Thunder's James Harden wins Kia Sixth Man Award

The Oklahoma City Thunder's James Harden is the winner of the 2011-12 Kia NBA Sixth Man Award as the league's best player in a reserve role, the NBA announced today. Harden, who led all NBA reserves in scoring (16.8 ppg), came off the bench in 60 of 62 games he appeared in, helping Oklahoma City finish with the NBA's third-best record (47-19).

Harden received 584 of a possible 595 points, including 115 of a possible 119 first-place votes, from a panel of 119 sportswriters and broadcasters throughout the United States and Canada. Louis Williams, who led the Philadelphia 76ers in scoring (14.9 ppg) despite not starting a single game, finished second with 231 points. Jason Terry of the Dallas Mavericks, who won the award in 2008-09, finished third with 81 points.

Harden, the third overall pick of the 2009 NBA Draft, was a model of consistency, scoring in double figures in 58 of 62 contests, while averaging 4.1 rebounds and 3.7 assists in 31.4 minutes per game. He topped the 20-point mark on 15 occasions, with the Thunder going 14-1 in those games. He shot .491 from the field, .846 from the free throw line, and .390 from three-point range.In order to be eligible for this award, players had to have come off the bench in more games than they started. Players were awarded five points for each first-place vote, three points for each second-place vote and one point for each third-place vote.

via NBA